Nirmal> Hi.. I just tried defining a converter for the
Nirmal> bundledoc/snapshot method of packaging a .tex file that was
Nirmal> suggested by Mark van Rossum. Both of us ran into the same
Nirmal> problem - after defining a converter, the View and Export
Nirmal> menus do not have the option for DVI, PS, PDF or PDF
Nirmal> (dvipdfm).. we're both using lyx 1.3.3... is there a fix for
Nirmal> this?

Did you solve your problem? How was your converter defined?

No.. didn't solve it yet. The converter was defined as follows:

1. A converter in the Converters section from LyX -> Bundle (a file format I created) which used the following command: bundledoc `basename $$i lyx`dep (needaux option was added)
2. In the Export -> Custom field I said: touch $$i

That was all.. and it messed up the View and Export options when I restarted lyx... please let me know if there's a way to improve/correct the above method so that things don't get messed up..


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