On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 02:28:42PM +0100, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> I will use a '|' to indicate the cursor position, so:
>       a|+ ( b + c ) + d
> means that the cursor is just after the first 'a'. I'll use the following 
> notation to indicate the cursor position before a movement, the 
> shortcut that is used and the desired position aftewards:
>       a|+ ( b + c ) + d       [Right]         a +|( b + c ) + d
> Now, pressing C-Right, I'd like this to happen:
>         a +|( b + c ) + d       [C-Right]       a + ( b + c )|+ d
> where the sub-inset '( b + c)' was skipped over. If there is no sub-inset, 
> it should go to the end like here:
>         a + ( b + c )|+ d       [C-Right]       a + ( b + c ) + d|
> Going in the other direction, C-Left should move until it has skipped one 
> sub-inset or reached the beginning, i.e. like this:
>         a + ( b + c ) + d|      [C-Left]        a +|( b + c ) + d
> I hope you can understand what I mean with these examples.

I think so. But this requires quite a lot of special code as far as I
can tell with no really predictable results...

Well, as I won't use that feature I should not care too much. So if you
code it up and the result is not overly ugly and you get support for
that feature of one or two other users I would apply that patch.


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