On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Martin Vermeer wrote:

> If I want to add something on the bm.sty package (adds \bm = bold math
> for lowercase greek letters) to the Wiki, where should it go?

Choices, choices, just too many choices :-)

Ok, I'll be serious now. If your main purpose is to simply document how 
bm.sty can be used with LyX, then here are some alternatives:

a) Create a group called 'Packages' or 'LaTeXPackages' which would 
   contain all future pages describing LaTeX packages and their LyX usage.
   Here the page would be:  Packages.BM

b) Add the page to the already existing LaTeX group.
   The full page name could then be:  LaTeX.PackageBM (or LaTeX.PackageBM)

if you OTOH want to document how you go about to create bold letters in 
math, then I'd suggest some of these page names:


I recommend (b) - it's simple and straight forward. In addition, it's 
always possible to create e.g. Tips.BoldMath later and place a link on 
that page to LaTeX.PackageBM (or just include LaTeX.PackgeBM)


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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