Hartmut Haase wrote:

> I investigated a little more, and found the following messages:
> convert: unable to open image
> Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
> convert: missing an image filename
> /home/haase/Software/lyx-devel/lib/scripts/convertDefault.sh ERROR
> Execution of "convert" failed.
> For some reason I don't understand the pictures are not copied into
> /tmp/... After doing it manually convert and the rest works fine.

Hartmut, this is becomeing a lyx-users list FAQ. For reasons unknown, the 
sh.exe replaces all occurences of /tmp in the script with $TMPDIR or 
somesuch, so any test of the existence of a file in the tmp directory is 
bound to fail :(

Fortunately, we don't need the test. Just remove these lines from the end 
of convertDefault.sh and all will 'just work'.


# It appears that convert succeeded, but we know better than to trust it 
# convert is passed strings in the form "FMT:FILENAME", so use the ':' to
# delimit the two parts.
# Note that Win32 filenames have the form 'C:\my\file',
# so use everything from the first ':' to the end of the line.
FILE=`echo "$2" | cut -d ':' -f 2-`

test -f "$FILE" || {
        echo "$0 ERROR"
        echo "Unable to find file \"${FILE}\""
        exit 1

echo "$0 generated file \"${FILE}\" successfully."

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