> John Spray
> Fri, 04 Mar 2005 10:22:52 -0800
> On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 19:08 +0100, Andreas Klostermann wrote:
> > Well, at the moment I only intend to get more of a feeling for the code, 
> > investigate
> > this nasty crash in the document dialog and maybe do a few cosmetic (=small)
> > improvements. The lyx gtk frontend currently makes me afraid of my mouse 
> > wheel since
> > the scrolling behaves a bit strange when using it!
> The document dialog crashes because it doesn't exist.  In the gtk
> frontend, the xforms dialog is invoked for those dialogs that haven't
> been done in gtk yet.  For some reason the xforms document dialog
> crashes in the gtk frontend: there's no reason to worry, since this will
> become a none-issue when the gtk document dialog is done.
> In fact, the gtk document dialog is what I'm working on at the moment.
> Really, really slowly.  Damn real life.
> As for the scrolling, please go ahead and try to fix that.  I worked on
> it a while ago, but couldn't quite figure out what order things were
> getting called in, got frustrated and gave up in favour of other things.
> The relevant code is in src/frontends/gtk/GWorkArea.C, particularly the
> GWorkArea::setScrollbarParams and any others that touch the vscrollbar_
> widget's associate adjustment object.
> Oh, and by the way, I agree about a GTK+ frontend being a good thing :-)
> But I'm a rabid, foaming at the mouth GNOME user, so people probably
> shouldn't listen to what I say.
> John
Yep, probably this is my fault.
This error message is send to the console when selecting the style:
ERROR (layoutSelected): layout not found!

Maybe some non-existent document layout is used? I don't know,
how to check this.

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