On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 12:31, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Lars Gullik BjÃnnes wrote:
> >Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >| Helge Hafting wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>>In file included from QDocumentDialog_moc.C:11:
> >>>../QDocumentDialog.h:90: error: parse error before `<<' token
> >>>../QDocumentDialog.h:99: error: parse error before `==' token
> >>>../QDocumentDialog.h:108: error: parse error before `>>' token
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>This file wasn't touched by the patch, but it broke the compile.
> >>>This did not happen earlier today, so I believe it has to be a
> >>>recent patch.
> >>>      
> >>>
> >| There is a CVS conflict; CVS has updated the file and found that your
> >| version of some lines in the file is different what it thinks those
> >| lines should be. Try removing the file and running
> >|      cvs update src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.h
> >
> >The trick is: "cvs up -C src/frontends/qt2/QDocumentDialog.h", without
> >removing the file first.
> >  
> >
> My "cvs" did not understand "-C"  But removing the file and then
> doing "cvs update filename" worked.  The patch worked,
> I can again turn emphasis on and off as I wish.
> Helge Hafting

Did you notice anything else fishy? Esp. with languages. 

Maybe you noticed that you cannot now switch languages on the fly while
writing: you have to select first and then apply. Not that you would
often want to do that.

- Martin

PS. I still think that this is not the _right_ fix for the problem. That
would be to assure that everytime a lyxtext is created, current_font and
real_current_font are set to the buffer defaults. But I see no easy way
to do that, and I did try. This fix is good enough for 1.4.0, I think.

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