Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Angus> Jean-Marc has added a configure test to ascertain
> Angus> whether LaTeX can understand file names containing spaces.
> Angus> However, lyxrc.tex_allows_spaces seems a little arbitrary.
> Angus> Perhaps a LyXRC string variable lyxrc.tex_file_special_chars
> Angus> which would be set to " ~" if the TeX version was sufficiently
> Angus> modern?
> I am not sure that it is arbitrary. Unless you can prove me false, I
> believe that _all_ TeX implementation have the same behaviour wrt at
> least ~. If we can prove that some characters are not handled 
> identically by various TeXs, then it will be time to adapt.

Ok. The detailed testing of what works with what compiler is at I guess I was thinking
ahead to a latex_path that handles some of the more 'difficult'
characters. Let's just shelve it for now.

> Angus> In fact, I think that adding the test to the file name widget
> Angus> itself is a much better idea. Let's scrap the check in the
> Angus> Browser and instead highlight the offending widget in
> Angus> red/deactivate the Ok,Apply buttons in the dialog.
> This is definitely a good idea, especially since few files will require
> it.

I'll see what I can do.


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