Michael Gerz wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
>>>The menu entries are shown with  bold font which looks pretty ugly. I
>>>haven't tested the latest qtwin sources but the snapshot of 2005-10-31
>>>doesn't have this "bug" and, browsing through the recent patches, I see
>>>no reason why it should have changed since then.

> I am puzzled. I just compiled the lastest CVS of qtwin. If I start its
> "designer", the menu items (File, Edit, ...) have normal font, whereas
> menu items in your LyX 1.3.7cvs have bold font. What does
> qt-3/bin/designer look like on your machine?

Why not substitute your qt_mt3.dll for mine and see how LyX looks then?

> Why don't you use "cvs" from the MSYS package?

It can't get through the Windows/Norton firewalls.

> Hmmm, I was pretty sure that --with-version-suffix works without any
> code change.

It does. But then lyx.exe is lyx_1.3.7cvs.exe, etc.


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