>>>>> "Stephan" == Stephan Witt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stephan> as promised yesterday I did some testing today.


Stephan> With the patch the unsaved changes remains unsaved. Without
Stephan> the patch I was asked to save the changes. So far seems all
Stephan> well, 

Is this really what we want??

Stephan> but after playing a while with gnome-save-session I now have
Stephan> the same behaviour as in Paris, the qt-library is unable to
Stephan> open the question box anymore! Even worse, I have to kill the
Stephan> lyx process to be able to do any work. All gnome applications
Stephan> are locked. It seems this is caused by the running
Stephan> gnome-save-session which is waiting for lyx returning from
Stephan> user response - what never happens.

>From reading the Qt doc about QSession, I do not see clearly how it is
supposed to work...


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