> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > I'd like to announce the arrival of William who arrived on Tuesday 15
> > November, weighing in at 3.55kg (7lb 12oz in old money.) It wasn't
> > easy getting him out (40 hours labour followed by a Cæsarian) but now
> > he is out both he and Emma are doing really well. They finally came
> > home from hospital yesterday, so last night was my very first of real
> > family life!
> > 
> > I've put together a few pictures to satisfy your curiosity:
> >     http://www.lyx.org/~leeming/William/
> > It's not a very professional-looking page but, hey ho, it should give
> > you a flavour.

Grattis, *Very* cool!

William is extremely cute in #034! 


PS. [Off-topic] In Sweden, when you graduate from the "gymnasium" (at abt
17), the relatives gather outside the school to welcome the students and
bring them home in specially made carriages.  One tradition related to
this is that parents print a big poster with some photo of student as a
small child. Often a less cute photo is used then, so depending on how
William behaves in later years either #034 or #038 would do nicely ;-)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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