Hi again,
Some time ago I was asking about creating macros that defined macros & in 
having usage of the dynamically defined macro display properly. So, with the 

\newcommand{\createDynamicCmd}[1]{\newcommand{\dynamicCmd}{cmdName: #1}}

\dynamicCmd would be displayed as 
cmdName: frank

Well, I've made some progress in the  display stuff. Basically, I
implemented the code at the end of this message & was looking for some

1. Should I be creating a new copy of the macro each time, or should
   I be finding the old one in the table & updating it?
2. This works fine in the example, however if \createDynamicCmd has a display
   specification (not sure what you call it), then this code never
   gets called. Any suggestions?
3. Does the erase copy delete the old argument instance - which is why I
   copied the cell contents first. Or can I still use a reference to the
   old one once it's erased from the array?

Lastly, I'm going to make it so I can parse macros with dynamically
created names:
ie \newcommand{\createDynamicCmd}[1]{\newcommand{\fn#1}{cmdName: #1}}

As part of this, I'd like to make it so that I can change the name of
existing macros. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to do this?


ps I've done this on 1.3.6 code since it's stable & nobody seemed particularly
interested in it anyway. Is it worth bothering to port it to 1.4.0?

// This is only called if we are a nested macro definition
// We do the following:
// 1. Make a copy of ourselves
// 2. substitute an arguments that should be specified by the caller
// 3. Place the result in the MathMacroTable
void MathMacroTemplate::substitute(MathMacro const & m)
  MathMacroTemplate *p = new MathMacroTemplate(*this);

  MathArray &ar = p->cell(0);
  for (MathArray::size_type offs = 0; offs != ar.size(); ++offs)
    if (ar[offs]->asMathMacroArgument()) {
      const MathArray arg(ar[offs]->asMathMacroArgument()->cell(0));
      ar.insert(offs, arg);

oh yeah, I also implemented asMathMacroArgument() in the same manner as
the other similar functions.

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