>There are few bugs I would like to bring to the attention of the developers:
>[math-macro behavior ==> Big regression w.r.t. 1.3.x]
>M-x; math-macro mysum 2
>a) the cursor is outside the box inset (flushed left)
>b) type \mysum, get the #1 and #2 fields, enter something, but the sum does 
>not update subscript and superscript
>[It does not happen  only with  sum, but with everything]
>I checked the generated latex and that how the math-macro is exported
>I think it should be without backslashes.

Confirmed. I actually figured this must have been deliberate because it's so 
obvious to
anybody testing any changes to math-macro's that it couldn't have slipped past 
You need to type \#1 when using the arguments in the expansion.

>[Once again mathinset]
>Go in math-mode
>1) \frac
>2) \beta
>You would expect beta to be in the numerator instead it is out the frac inset. 
>(The same happen, for example, with array, cases, >etc.)

Confirmed, however if you type 
then you get the expected behaviour.


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