On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "chr" == chr  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> chr> I think your question is if we could maintain a FAQ through a set
> chr> of wiki pages and use these to generate FAQ.lyx. The answer to
> chr> that is yes, and it probably wouldn't even be that difficult to
> chr> automate. 
> Yes, this is what I have in mind.


> chr> However, it'd be more complicated if we wanted to be able to edit
> chr> FAQ.lyx and automatically transfer those changes back to the
> chr> wiki.
> This is not needed IMO. The idea is to distribute with LyX some
> up-to-date information without requiring an internet connection.

Ok. See below.

> chr> Even though it'd be relatively easy to generate FAQ.lyx
> chr> automatically, I do wonder what the purpose would be if we don't
> chr> expect to edit it... 
> Just to allow people to read it from within LyX without using the web.

Just to be clear, does 'read it from within LyX' mean that the text should 
be seen in the LyX text window? I can think of several alternatives (the 
first one is what happens today):
* "Help->FAQ" opens local copy of FAQ.lyx inside LyX
* "Help->FAQ (PDF)" opens a PDF reader showing FAQ.pdf
* "Help->FAQ (local)" opens a browser pointing to a local/static copy of 
  the wiki pages (with links to the online version).
* "Help->FAQ (online)" opens a browser pointing to online FAQ

I can see both advantages and disadvantages with the alternatives, and in
theory we could use them all at once. But using them all might be overkill
and a waste of time.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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