On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Stephen Harris wrote:

> I am looking at this from the vantage of the original LyX file creator.
> He doesn't need them to use LyX to proofread his document and return a
> commented ghostscript file which he can then incorporate into his LyX
> document.
> Having a means of annotating those docs without using LyX makes Lyx a
> more versatile and valuable tool, IMO. The comments so generated can
> just as easily be incorporated into the next generation of the original
> LyX doc. It seems you are looking at this from the vantage of everybody
> involved uses LyX, which would not apply to the common student thesis
> setting.

I think you're right that this ability would indeed make LyX "easier" to
use as a document preparation tool between collaborating authors. When I
used to write articles etc, this kind of functionality would definitely
have come in handy for the people I collaborated with.

> > Stephen> But lots of academic people have ghostscript, and if they
> > Stephen> don't it is a much smaller install than *Tex.
> >
> > Like Christian said, acroread is a safer bet.
> >
> Well, as I mentioned in my post to Christian, I didn't understand how he
> drew his conclusion from what I wrote.

My apologies for that, I'd been much to quick when reading your posts
(I've been on a mini vacation and only followed the thread briefly).

I think you're right that only Acrobat Pro allows you to add comments, but 
I was hoping that *you* knew something I didn't :-)

Anyway, I still think you should bring this question to the attention of
the user's list. There are many more people following that list, and
perhaps one of them knows of other solutions to this problem. Or other 
tools that allow annotation of a PDF. Or perhaps a tool that can extract 
the comments out of a PDF.

> I think lyx converting a file to postscript which maintains equation
> formatting which can be commented on with erasable text by a reviewer is
> useful for some LyX authors because it is superior to the Word html
> method and less expensive than using the Adobe comware, although the
> Adobe conversion is very accurate.
> Linux flpsed can open and comment pdf docs too. It this works
> in the Windows port I will post a message to the Wiki and find a 
> link to download flps.exe which is 500k.

If you like, we could also place a (read-only)  version of flps.exe on the
wiki site (to make sure the link doesn't expire). Let me know if you'd
like help with that.


PS. Sorry for continuing the thread, I'll just answer your earlier post 
and then let it lapse as well :-)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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