On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, David Krebs wrote:

it's just a little thing I have to mention: Could you *please* change the background of the Lyx website? It hurts my eyes. ;) No, it's not the color. I really like green. But: It's extremely ehausting to read through white text on ground of a repeating white/black/green LyX logo.

A good thing would be less contrast for the logo. A better thing would be a text area with a /neutral/ background (so: no images, just color) for the text. Still, the best thing would be: no logo at all. (I mean the background, outside of text areas you may put as much logos as you want =) .)

I agre it is not very nice. There are several ways you can help us with this. The easiest thing for us is if you can check out the web pages locally using Subversion, e.g. on *nix you do:

        svn co svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/www-user/trunk www-user

If you're on Windows, then install TortoiseSVN and get them from:
        svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/www-user/trunk www-user

Once you have the web pages, you can modify the colours to something you like, we can have a look, and since it's bound to be an improvement, change the colour scheme at lyx.org:-)

If you are unable to do the above, but can suggest colour codes to me I can try and implement that to a working copy of the web pages. In order to verify the commans above, I checked out a copy here:


To look at the source (and retreive files one by one), you can browse the source of the web pages here:
I'm guessing the files that control appearance can be found in this directory:

I think these are the files that need changing:

Dunno if this query fits into the docs mailing list, but at least it wouldn't fit neither in the other lists.

It'd be fine in the developers' list as well, I think.

If you are unable to do any of the above, let me know. Perhaps posting these instructions on the users' list will let others help.

Best regards

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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