On 16.04.17 17:20, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

>> The attached PDFs from the docs-subdirectory have been recompressed.
> This works because you used a never PDF version. Older PDF viewers might 
> not be able to open them. You used PDF version 1.5 (requires Acrobat 
> version 6 (released in 2003) or newer).
> I think that nowadays all popular PDF programs can handle version 1.5 
> but we cannot assure that. So I'll update the PDFs as you proposed.
> Note: I get font errors (missing fonts) from current Adobe reader for 
> your PDFs.

Oh. Indeed.
I checked them with Preview, Skim and mupdf. Displayed fine. Only mupdf
launched from commandline gives errors and Acrobat warns and degrades
the output. Very strange.

But this happens only on three files here:
endnotes.pdf and with_fntright.pdf and without_fntright.pdf

They are now re-ghostscripted and they are now displaying error-free in
Acrobat here.


Attachment: endnotes.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: with_fntright.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: without_fntright.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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