On 14.05.17 20:41, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Unfortunately I cannot easily check on these since now all new files on
git now seem to be in format 543, ahead of alpha1-1.
Don't get me wrong here: Please, do not export all of them back to
2.2-format just for me.
But is there something like just a lyx2lyx script to get current alpha
to read these files?

In your comment on git you wrote that the files for nl are "outdated".
I had a feeling like that but couldn't tell for sure.
That makes me wonder if it would be a good idea to supplement the
'current date' in the documents, which just reflect when they were
typeset, with a last modified snippet?

That way of transparency may accomplish:
– make those docs needing a rework the most far easier to identify
– reduce possible confusion of users
– remind the user to maybe look for more up-to-date info (the web, the
lists etc.)

Also, if it is explicitly stated there (again), to users feeling the
need to read these docs in a specific language that they might be a good
candidate to help out updating them.


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