Am 02.12.22 um 15:33 schrieb Rich Shepard:

Yesterday I ran texindy on the *.idx file in /tmp; today produced the same

Exported document to latex (pdflatex).
$ pdflatex biota-to-set-wq-standards.tex
$ texindy biota-to-set-wq-standards.idx
texindy: not a symlink as required for TeX Live at /usr/bin/texindy line 414.

I posted the relevant portion of that script yesterday. Can provide it again
if needed.

I'll see if the Slackware-15.0 texlive has the texindy perl script and will
use that to replace 2021-04-18 version in /usr/bin/.

what does

which texindy


which xindy

say? It is a really old script, you can use any available version.
However, you can also try

xindy -C utf8 -I latex file.idx

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