Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "German" == German Poo Caaman~o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> German> I'm using BiBTeX for the references, but I would like to know
> German> in what pages are referenced each article. Is that possible?
> That's probably difficult. I can think of a solution when articles are
> only cited once, but things get hairier if there are several citations
> of the same. I can try to write some code for the simple case, if you
> are interested. However, asking on comp.text.tex for a LaTeX soltion
> would be a better idea.

I asked on comp.text.tex, and they recommend to me use the
hyperref package.

After read the documentation, the solution was:

on LaTeX preamble.  The result can be viewed on bibliography, now
appears with the page numbers that was cited.

German Poo Caaman~o
"La historia no se lee, se escribe"

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