On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Adrian Ball wrote:

> I'm quite new to Lyx & Latex, so I may be missing something really
> obvious...
> I'm trying to put a company logo at the top of the title page of an
> 'article' document.  The graphic is included, but appears on its own
> page before the title page.  If I place it further down (after the title
> text), it appears correctly on the page - but this isn't where I want it.
> The .lyx file contains the following...
> ===========
> \begin_inset Figure size 144 99
> file ../bemac_logo.eps
> width 2 2.00
> flags 11

A logo in the header or footer
for textclass komascript 

     a logo in the upper right 

     \titlehead{\hfill \includegraphics[clip=,scale=.4]{logo.eps}}%  Logo

for all classes with fancyhdr 

     an example for a footer: 

     \savebox{\mylogo}{\includegraphics[width=mm]{/..the path.../logo}}

with the picture environment 


     the values (-150,-200) have to correct, so that the eps-file is in
the right upper corner. 


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