[Sorry for the previous bogus post, it went off by accident]

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>To flood the list, I'll mention a weird thing I noticed even if it's not a
>problem for me, at least not right now.
>Type a line of text. Set it to Typewriter font.
>Type another line of text. Set it to Bold Typewriter font.
>On screen they do look different, but on xdvi/ghostview they look same.
>Now, if there actually doesn't exist such a font as Bold Typewriter in
>LaTeX, LyX shouldn't display two different fonts on the display either.
>On the other hand, if LaTeX knows about bold typewriter, then it's an
>obvious bug in LyX.

Neither LyX nor LaTeX 'know' about 'bold typewriter' by default.
The first thing LaTeX knows about is a font definition file for a
given font. Let me give you an example:

If you choose "Times" from the LyX font selection box, it will
simply put "\usepackage{times}" in the preamble. On my system,
the times.sty files contains the following lines:


This will switch to Adobe Times as default roman font, Adobe
Helvetica as default sans serif and Adobe Courier as default
typewriter font. If you use the typewriter font in your document
and, say, T1 encoding, LaTeX will look for the file t1pcr.fd. The
latter contains lines like:


\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{m}{n}{<-> pcrr8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{m}{sc}{<-> pcrrc8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{m}{sl}{<-> pcrro8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{m}{it}{<->ssub * pcr/m/sl}{}

\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{b}{n}{<-> pcrb8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{b}{sc}{<-> pcrbc8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{b}{sl}{<-> pcrbo8t}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{b}{it}{<->ssub * pcr/b/sl}{}

This maps font shapes to TeX font metric files (*.tfm), for
example Adobe Courier medium normal to pcrr8t.tfm and Adobe
Courier bold normal to pcrb8t.tfm. LaTeX will use the metrics
given in those file to do the typesetting. In a wy, this is the
first step in the typesetting process that will create a link
between what you requested in your document and what is actually
available on your system in terms of resources, like fonts for
example. LyX can't know about that in advance. Keep in mind that
it's a front end, not a typesetting engine.

LyX, on the other hand, will simply use the fonts defined in its
config file and query the X server. Since these are usually
different from the fonts used for typesetting, you can't predict
the output by the contents of you LyX window. This is what the
developers like to call WYSIWYM and what a lot of users consider
a feature, because you can choose a font for the printed output
which looks good on paper (or in a PDF file) and have a display
font which you can stare on for eight hours without having your
head explode.

If you're missing a bold version of a given font and need that,
you should either switch to a different, complete font are
consider substitutions on the level of the font definition
file. This is what fontinst, the font installer for Type1 fonts
that ships with LaTeX does by default. In the above example, this
happens here:

\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pcr}{m}{it}{<->ssub * pcr/m/sl}{}

This will tell LaTeX to use Courier normal slanted as a
substitute for Courier normal italic (since typewriter fonts
don't ship with italics but oblique versions for emphasis). On 
this level, you can substitute anything for anything. If your
typewriter font doesn't provide a bold version, you could
substitute the bold version of an entirely different font if you
feel like.

Hope this clarifies the situation a little bit.

Philipp Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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