On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Tomas Sanchez wrote:

> I think that the problem is whit my fonts not beeing compatible with the ones on the 
>other systems, but I'm not sure. 

- export from LyX as postscript
- convert to pdf using "ps2pdf"
- copy this pdf file to your university computer/where ever you want to
  print it
- start up adobe acrobat reader and load the pdf file
Does it display it correctly on the screen?
- if not, then there's something wrong with ps2pdf -- or more likely with
  acrobat reader.
- if yes, try printing it by selecting "print" from acrobat reader menu.
Does it print it correctly?
- if not, it's acrobat reader problem
- if yes, problem solved.

note that if the university computer has no acrobat reader, you can
download it from www.adobe.com.

if the problem is with ps2pdf, you might want to upgrade your
ghostscript. Also check out how the ps/pdf file looks with gv. If gv
displays it wrongly, there something weird going on with either dvips or
ghostscript. Try upgrading/reinstalling ghostscript/tex distribution.

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