On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Armin Geisse wrote:

> Hi,
> after upgrading to ghostscript 6.50, lyx1.1.5fix2 and the latest
> cvs-version don't render eps-pictures any more.
> Anybody else suffering the same problem ?
> Cheers
> Armin

I've just confirmed this happens with lyx 1.0.4 (yep, that's how old the
installed version is here). I'm building a 1.1.6cvs currently but I bet it
will be the same. At a first glance, I'm not sure what the problem is here
- the relevant parts of the ghostscript source seem to be the
same. However, as this is the latest stable version of ghostscript, this
needs fixing, so I'm looking into it.

I thought it might be something to do with setting GSLIB environment
variable, but that doesn't make a difference.

Thanks for the report Armin.


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