On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Keeper of the Key to Time wrote:

> limited by the size of its hard drive. I have installed SuSE 6.4 with a few 

If you just throw the SuSE in without special optimizations, you probably
could save lots of space (maybe even couple of hundred megabytes) by
removing unneeded (parts of) packages. After that and...

> updates, and currently have only 75MB left on /usr. This is not enough space 

..this it certainly should be possible to install small LaTeX on it.

> actually need to print these documents, though it would be nice to have LyX 
> available to write letters and such -- I could remove KOffice to free up some 

You might not need TeX. If you need "pretty output" (other than just
ASCII), you could use tth or some other TeX->HTML converter which doesn't
need LaTeX.

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