Dear Friends of LyX,
I used bibtex in various documentswith single and sectioned bibliographies and that worked without problems. Then I decided to try using biblatex on one of these documents and found "Using biblatex with LyX" in I followed this guide step by step but neither shows thebibliography in the text nor in PDf nor does it print.

I am using:
openSUSE 13.2, KDE
LyX 2.1.2
my collection of references is managed in KBibTeX version 0.5.1

PS: as advised under "Known problems" I did 'biber --cache' which resulted in:
"No cache - you are not running the PAR: Packer executable of biber"

What might be the problem here?

Thanks and regards

Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing.
Im Borngrund 7a
D-35606 Solms
Fon: +49 6442 706509
Fax: 032121247536
Linux member

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