Annaert Jan <> writes:

> My colleague sent me a LyX file containing several .emf graphics. The file
> compiles well at my office, where I work on a Windows 7 computer. However,
> when I try to compile it at home (Mac OS 10.10.5 Yosemite) I get errors
> such as: 
> Package pdftex.def Error: File `Name_of_file.pdf¹ not found.
> Indeed, this file does not exist (Name_of_file.emf does exist).
> Also in the LyX editor the file is not previewed: it simply shows a box
> with:
> ³Name_of_file.emf 
> Error converting to loadable format².
> I suspect something is going wrong with the converters, but I don¹t have
> any clue how to address this issue. And frankly, the commands of the
> converters that are defined in the Preference pane are pure gibberish to
> me.
> Perhaps somebody else has encountered the same issue and can share her
> solution? I¹m using LyX 2.1.4 on both computers.

emf is a Windows graphics format for which imagemagik can not convert.

You have two options:

1) use e.g. Irfanview ( in wine / PlayOnMac
   ( to convert the images to a different
   format. Irfan view works very nicely on a mac.

2) if you find a commandline tool for Mac (I didn't find one - please
   keep us posted if you find one) and define your own copier in LyX to
   convert the emf files.



> Thanks a lot.
> Jan Annaert

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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