On 19.05.2016 01:07, racoon wrote:

I often use description items (labels) consisting of several words.
According to the "LyX User's Guide" I should "stick" them together with
"Protected Space". Alternatively, one could instead stick words together
with an inset.

One small benefit is that one does not have to remove special spaces
when copy and pasting.

I used a conglomerate inset. But I am not fully satisfied with the
visuals because there is extra space added around the inset, especially
on the bottom where normally is the LabelString is shown. Is there a way
to control these extra spaces?

As for the LabelString: I tried to remove the LabelString entry in the
module but that just gives UNDEFINED as a LabelString for some reason.
And using an empty string "" still creates a gap below.

Okay, figured out that one can hide the label by clicking "Show" in the context menu. Is there a way to have this option to not show a label by default or remove the label altogether to make it not show?

I have found "LabelType" "No_Label" in the Customization manual but it is undocumented and seems not to have an effect.

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