LyX Users (& Devs.),

I'm having trouble typesetting some Korean within a primarily English
document.  Please see the attached minimal .lyx file.  This was created by
entering the following text
in a new document, setting the Document->Settings->Language->Encoding->
Unicode (CJK) (utf8), highlighting the Korean section (include FAQ),
selecting Text style, and changing the language to Korean.

이 FAQ 은 자주 반복되는 질문과 그에 대한 대답을 간단명료한 양식으로 모아 엮어졌습니다.
This FAQ list was made to summarize some frequently asked questions and
their answers in a convenient form.

After attempting to render, the result is:

!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file cyberbc2): Font cyberbc2 at 600 not found

Note that if I instead include the native Korean with a LaTeX box
containing the \begin{CJK}...\end{CJK} found below, I can render.  So, it
all seems to hinge on the {mj}.

Can anyone tell what I've done wrong / overlooked?  Does anyone know how to
change my CJK flags to those shown below (which I can render)?

Thank you,

I am able to render this LaTeX document manually:







  이 FAQ 은 자주 반복되는 질문과 그에 대한 대답을 간단명료한 양식으로

  모아 엮어졌습니다.


This FAQ list was made to summarize some frequently asked questions

and their answers in a convenient form.


Attachment: korean_test_lyx_220.lyx
Description: Binary data

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