Buenas Noticias <icebna <at> telefonica.net> writes:

> Hi all:
> How can I install in lyx-2.2.0 the EB Garamond typography, that it does 
> not come installed by default?. I test some tips to include in the 
> preamble of document,  but do not work.
> Some idea

Do you have the EB Garamond installed on your computer? (Fonts belong to the
LaTeX installation; they're not part of LyX.) If it is installed already,
the next question is whether your LaTeX installation knows where it is. If
you open a terminal/command line and run 'kpsewhich ebgaramond.sty', it
should tell you where the font style file is installed. Lack of output would
signal that either that the package is not installed or that LaTeX can't
find it.


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