On 14/08/2016 23:33, Richard Heck wrote:
On 08/14/2016 07:43 AM, Kiuhnm wrote:

I'd like to insert some pseudocode in my paper using my own style. For
instance, I don't like "endwhile", "endif", and similar.
Here's an example of what I'd like (use a monospaced font):

  for $I_1$:
    for $I_2$:
      $X_{I_1}\leftarrow <some expression>

I usually use the enumerate environment (with the enumitem module) for
this but this time I got the error "nested too deep". And, frankly,
enumerate is not very convenient for algorighms because one needs to
change the spacing, hide the labels, etc...

Basically, I just need a way to indent lines the way I like and be
able to use math.

Doesn't the listings environment allow this?

I can't use math in listings and I don't like the monospaced font.


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