On Thu, 18 Aug 2016, Richard Heck wrote:

Easiest way: Open your user preferences file in a text editor. (Look at
Help> About LyX if you need to find your user directory.


  I see nothing in Help > About LyX germane to user preferences, other than

Open the "preferences" file from that directory.)

  This is where I'm stuck. I am not finding a preferences file here:

/usr/share/lyx/# ls

CREDITS        doc/                languages           syntax.default
RELEASE-NOTES  encodings           latexfonts          templates/
autocorrect    examples/           layouts/            tex/
bind/          external_templates  layouttranslations  ui/
chkconfig.ltx  fonts/              lyx2lyx/            unicodesymbols
commands/      images/             scripts/            xfonts/
configure.py*  kbd/                symbols


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