Thanks for the answers to my first question (result: Aufsatz is article).

The second question was, how to insert a header (short name of the publication) on all pages. In the help menu User handbook under 6.11 it tells me I should use fancyhdr, but for Koma script it is discouraged. I still have not found the way to do it in koma script article. Who could help with a pointer?
Short answer: Both packages try to set the macros responsible for the page headers, but do it differently. It might work, but that's not guaranteed – Christian Hupfer <> Dec 17 '15 at 21:44 <>

The author of KOMA decided that |fancyhdr| is not suitable for KOMA. – Johannes_B <> Dec 17 '15 at 21:47 <>

On 23.08.2016 09:30, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I can't find Koma-script-article under Documentclass, only Koma-script-Aufsatz (German version). I am using Debian and

LyX Version 2.2.0

I need the document class for a publication in a journal. It should also give a header line

(Benutzerdefinierte Kopf-/Fußzeilen, see 6.11 in User guide)


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