----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 5:10 PM

On 08/29/2016 03:26 PM, Jannick wrote:
> Is it possible to specify the tab name in an .xlsx file to be imported 
> to lyx using gnumeric's ssconvert.exe?
> The conversion command
>       ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_html:latex $$i $$o
> picks one of the tabs. I am not sure if ssconvert's -S switch could 
> help here, but I would be curious if a specific tab could be chosen. 

Someone here may know, but you might better try asking on some
Gnumeric-related list.



Thanks. ssconvert as of now (version 1.12.31) is already able to extract
from an Excel spread sheet tabs per tab name such that, say, ssconvert
creates the .tex files with names 'xlsxname__tabname.tex'. 

To take the next step the question would be: How can lyx be told to import
this very .tex file thru the file import handler for external gnumeric/Excel
material. In other words: can that be achieved by simply amend ' ssconvert
--export-type=Gnumeric_html:latex $$i $$o' or anything else needed here
(since the information <xlsname> and <tabname> would be needed separately if
I correctly understand the compilation procedures preparing external

Any help highly appreciated, where I would like to use lyx to type the
document and have it compiled (in contrast to any other solution fiddling
around with the files outside of lyx).

Many thanks,

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