On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 07:14:00PM +0100, Stephen Luttrell wrote:
> I have OS X 10.11.6 and LyX 2.2.1 with (1) Look & Feel / Display / Display 
> graphics checked, and (2) Look & Feel / Display / Instant preview set to β€œOn”.
> If I open Help / Specific Manuals / LilyPond, then after a short delay the 
> various LilyPond insets β€” these are inside Preview insets, such as in section 
> 2.3 on Previews β€” display themselves in the LyX window as blank regions, 
> whereas I would have expected fragments of musical score to appear. However, 
> when I view the corresponding PDF the music is displayed correctly, but it 
> would be really nice for the Preview insets to work as expected in the LyX 
> window.
> In case it is relevant, preview of mathematical formulae in my LyX window 
> works correctly.

Hi Stephen, I'm not sure what's wrong. I just checked and the previews
show up fine on Ubuntu so there might be something platform-specific
going on. Hopefully there's someone around here who uses Mac that can


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