Dear Experts and Gurus.

Thank you very much for all your help in the past.

Recently, I submitted a manuscript to Europhysics Letters, and received the
reply that I must re-submit the paper in the required format, which is a
Latex Template given at

EPL LATEX package <>

Some of the major publishers now have their own Lyx templates for submitted

After a few fudges, I realised that I did not have the skills to transform
this Latex Template into a Lyx one.

Coud you please help me in converting this Latex Template into a Lyx
Template? It is a two column format as you often see for various journals.
It would be a good thing to include with future shipments of Lyx, as I note
that a template for Elsevier has been included.

Best wishes,

David Forrester

p.s. OS is El Capitan

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