Den 29. sep. 2016 23:10, skrev Guy Rutenberg:

Is there a way to create horizontal bullet lists instead of vertical? In plain latex this can be achieved using the `enumitem` with the option `inline` and using `itemize*` instead of `itemize` (unstarred).

LyX does not support this directly, but LyX support plain latex via the TeX inset.

You can put \usepackage{enumitem}[inline] in the preamble. In the document, use a TeX box with these contents:
\begin{itemize*}\item bull1\item bull2 \end{itemize*}
you will then get "bull1" and "bull2" on the same line.

LyX has some support for loading enumitem via "module" settings, but this does not give access to the the "itemize*" stuff. It works for changing list spacing though. If you are able to write your own .layout file, then adding support for "itemize*" is doable. The bullets still won't be horizontal in the LyX main window, but they will be horizontal in output.

Helge Hafting

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