On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 05:08:36PM +0200, UD wrote:

> I hate to have to
> export to Latex, fix things, and then import back into Lyx...


Can you please send a minimal example showing the problem (not the fixed
.lyx file)?

> The edit/start new environment (frame) seems to be available from
> time to time, but not always.  I am sure there is a logical explanation to
> all of this, but I don't know what it is.

This is indeed confusing for a lot of users. If you send a minimal
example, say exactly where to put the cursor, then I or someone can see
whether there is a bug or which is the best way to start a new frame
from your cursor position.


P.S. thanks for bottom-posting and for a plain-text version of the

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