Am Mittwoch, den 07.12.2016, 22:14 -0500 schrieb Richard Heck:
> So it looks as if this is a bug in the LaTeX package, then, not in
> LyX?

Yes, the following code in the preamble fixes it:

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
        \draw node[notestyle] {};%
      \@todonotes@sizecommand \@todonotes@author \@todonotes@text%
      \@todonotes@sizecommand \@todonotes@text%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
        \draw node[notestyle] (inNote) {};%
    \hbadness 100000%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,baseline=(X.base)]%
% Fix 1: consider \@todonotes@sizecommand here!
        \node(X){\vphantom{\@todonotes@sizecommand X}};%
        \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=north]
(inNote) at (X.north)%
% Fix 2: don't output \@todonotes@text twice
            \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=no
rth] (inNote) at (X.north)%
            \node(Y)[below=of X]{};%
            \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=no
rth] (inNote) at (X.south)%
            \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=no
rth] (inNote) at (X.north)%
    \hbadness \originalHbadness%

I'll do a bug report.


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