Even Cooler :-)-O

That will help me for a number of things.

And, I can move the luacode from the preamble into the layout if I
really wanted to :-)-O

greetings, el

On 25/04/2017 06:28, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2017-04-22, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> It did help to come up with:
>> in the Preamble:
>> \newcommand\LMP[1]{#1}
>> In Settings->Local Layout:
>> Format 60
>> Style EDD
>>    CopyStyle Date
>>    LabelFont
>>        Series Bold
>>        Color Red
>>    EndFont
>>    LatexName renewcommand
>>    LatexParam {\LMP}
>>    LabelString "LMP:"
>> End
>> which does exactly what I want, and with the look I wanted.
> To have it all in one place, you can move the preamble definition into
> the Style
> Style EDD
>    CopyStyle Date
>    LabelFont
>        Series Bold
>        Color Red
>    EndFont
>    LatexName renewcommand
>    LatexParam {\LMP}
>    LabelString "LMP:"
>    Preamble
>      \newcommand\LMP[1]{#1}
>    EndPreamble
> End
> Günter

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