On 07/07/2017 07:50 PM, myi...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi again,

As a follow up to my preceding mail on LyX on Yoga Book, I have some difficulties to make LyX to find modules I normally install locally (mainly Beamerincrementedlists module). I have put this module under ~/AppData/Roaming/Lyx22/layouts, and reconfigured LyX , but it continues to complain about not being able to find it when I open a Beamer file using it. I have also tried the folder ~\AppData\Local\LyX 2.2\Resources\layouts and no success (after again Reconfigure + restart LyX). Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong ?

My last experience with Windows was with XP, but see that MS has kept more or less the same folder structure, so I have the impression that I do what is necessary and I am puzzled byt the unsuccessful outcome.

Thank you in advance for your help !


If you open LyX and click Help > About LyX, the initial (Version) tab should list your user directory. There should be a layouts folder under that directory, and you can store local modules there.


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