I did quite a bit of updating a couple of weeks ago ubuntu 16.04 to 17.04, 
updated R to R version 3.4.1, and IIRC updated LyX to 2.2.2.I now cannot get 
LyX to compile if I have anything in a Math environment. I am getting an error 
saying “Error in library(knitr) : there is no package called ‘knitr’”.I also am 
very puzzled by the warning “You cannot type two spaces this way. ”I checked in 
R and yes, knitr was not there. I installed knitr. Confirmed that the knitr 
module was loaded in LyX. As an example of superstitious learning, I even 
reconfigured.Same error message. I must say I don't understand why I need knitr 
to process a simple math expression in Lyx but it seems to be there if 
needed.LyX seems to be working fine otherwise. I have run a few other LyX files 
without math and everything seems fine.I can process math expressions in plain 
LaTeX with no problem.I am not sure if I may have a LyX problem or possibly 
some glitch in my Ubuntu upgrade.I'd appreciate any advice for some 
trouble-shooting.Very basic example attached.

06:46:18.569: Previewing ...

06:46:18.624: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)

06:46:18.645: Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.sijwoDKM2277/lyx_tmpbuf1/""LyXnewfile1.tex" ISO-8859-15 

06:46:18.655: running

06:46:18.659: '/usr/lib/R/bin/R --slave --no-restore --no-save --no-restore 
--file=/usr/share/lyx/scripts/lyxknitr.R --args 

06:46:18.664: yx_tmpbuf1/LyXnewfile1.tex ISO-8859-15 /home/jrkrideau/'


06:46:18.920: Error in library(knitr) : there is no package called ‘knitr’

06:46:18.923: Execution halted

support/Systemcall.cpp (291): Systemcall: 'Rscript --verbose --no-save 
--no-restore "/usr/share/lyx/scripts/lyxknitr.R" 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.sijwoDKM2277/lyx_tmpbuf1/""LyXnewfile1.tex" ISO-8859-15 
"/home/jrkrideau/"' finished with exit code 1

Error: Cannot convert file


An error occurred while running:

Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore $$s/scripts/lyxknitr.R


"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.sijwoDKM2277/lyx_tmpbuf1/""LyXnewfile1.tex" ISO-8859-15


06:46:24.994: Error while exporting format: PDF (pdflatex)

06:47:03.650: Paste

06:48:04.784: You cannot type two spaces this way. Please read the Tutorial.

06:49:26.418: Automatic save done.

06:50:11.841: Paste

06:53:51.718: Copy (copy: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Ins)

06:54:25.962: Paste

06:54:26.469: Automatic save done.

06:54:41.015: You cannot type two spaces this way. Please read the Tutorial.

06:55:26.524: Copy

06:59:26.630: Automatic save done.

06:59:45.591: Copy

Attachment: math.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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