Dear Lyxers,

my Linguistic Thesis at first written in classicthesis-LyX-v4.1 converts to PDF in both versions of classicthesis-LyX-v4.2 but only after having removed all letters used to typeset African Languages as shown in Table 7 of the Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List by Scott Pakin.

While my Thesis successfully handles the languages Turkish, Indonesian, Serbo-Croatian and Tamil it fails compilation to PDF as long as any of the two African languages Asante-Twi and/or Limbum remains present.

This was tried with classicthesis-LyX-v4.2 and using two different systems namely openSUSE Leap 14.2 and Mageia 6 - both do show the same behavior.

The package fc is in place with all its elements (fclfont.sty, fcuse.sty, t4cmr.fd, t4cmss.fd, fclfont.sty_old, t4cmtt.fd, t4enc.def, t4fcr.fd and t4phonet.sty).

\usepackage[T4]{fontenc} is present in the preamble.

Using other document classes e. g. Koma-Script do compile without problems as long as \usepackage[T4]{fontenc} is part of the preamble.

Am I doing something wrong or could it be that classicthesis-LyX-v4.2 is not yet fit?

Any help or comment is highly appreciated.

Thanks and cheers!


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