On 09/27/2018 08:14 AM, Daniel Goya wrote:
Thanks Paul. I am not using the change bars module, in fact I didn't even know about it.



On Tue, 18 Sep 2018 at 12:17, Paul A. Rubin <parubi...@gmail.com <mailto:parubi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 09/14/2018 10:00 AM, Daniel Goya wrote:

    I'm using LyX 2.3.0 on win 10.

    I've noticed that when I remove a line break (shown by an
    inverted T on track changes), the change is not displayed on the
    compiled versions, unless I approve it. I've seen this behaviour
    several times, is it a bug?


    I was wrestling with the same thing and, just now, noticed that
    (in a test document) the PDF output had the line break removed. I
    then added the change bars module (which I always include when
    tracking changes), and upon recompilation the deleted line break
    was back. Are you using the change bars module?


What modules are you using? Maybe one of them is interfering?

If you create a new document (plain article), type some text including line breaks, turn on change tracking and delete a break, is the break still present in the PDF output?


PS: Bottom-posting makes the thread easier to follow.

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