"Jacek M. Holeczek" wrote:
> Your ps-files are copies of Intro.lyx. By default it's class is
> "article" and not "article (koma-script)". I took the same test.
> When I leave the "Layout->Document Layout-> Class -> article" I get proper
> sizes. But, it is sufficient to change it into "article (koma-script)" and
> try it with "\usepackage[20pt]{extsizes}" and you get improper (too small)
> fonts for "Section" and "Subsection".
> Anyhow, I think that I can also see the problem in your ps-files. Just
> compare the size of the word "Contents" in the table-of-contents (it's
> size remains unchanged, regardless whether you use 8pt or 20pt).

write in latex preamble


you can change the fontsizes as you like it for your own



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