Sadly, it did not work, even after I added the missing { in your example.   Too bad that Lyx/latex/beamer are still behind (Libre)Office in this respect ;-(

I tried both pdfpc in Linux and Adobe Acrobat in Windows. 

E. Kaplan

On 4/19/20 5:28 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
"multimedia" works for me very well.

You need to include


in the Preamble and then some centered ERT will do nicely

\movie[width=10cm, height=7cm, showcontrols{%
	\includegraphics[width=10cm, height=7cm]{%

Needs to be presented with Acrobat, and it will ask for some permission
stuff the first time, which you don't see in full screen, so you must
remember to escape full screen, give the permission and return to full

I didn't try AVI but MP4 does not work, so conversion to MOV is

Once the learning curve has flattened, this is trivial and works well.

greetings, el

On 2020-04-19 16:32 , UD Kap wrote:
Is there a way to embed movies (mpg, mp4, avi) in a lyx/beamer
presentation?  I have read the manuals and tried using multimedia,
movie15 and movie9-- none worked.


E. Kaplan



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