On 6/13/22 18:03, tush via lyx-users wrote:
I am building my layout file and I want to better understand the effect of

PageStyle empty|myheadings|...

Inserting this line into my layout file does not make any apparent effect.

Moreover, I looked at the content of `memoir.layout` and I see that there are 
multiple page styles for this doc class:

`PageStyle   empty|plain|headings|myheadings|ruled|Ruled|companion`

After loading this layout file, when I go to Document Settings->Page Layout, I 
see in the drop-down the only the four regular ones: Default,empty,plain,headings 
and fancy.

I expected the drop down list to be updated according to the arguments pass to 

Then what is the meaning of this class parameter?
After setting the document class to memoir and before switching to the page style setting, did you click OK or Apply to apply the layout change? When I start a new document (article layout) and switch the layout to memoir, I get the full list of page style choices.


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