On 9/9/22 13:23, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Thu, 8 Sep 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

What is the error? All three work for me with pdflatex. For \degree, I
need to load the gensymb package in the preamble and put it in ERT. For
\circ and \textdegree, I just put them in math insets and LyX takes care
of loading the packages. A MWE is attached (where "W" here actually does
mean "working").


See attached mwe.lyx (using only amsmath and \circ. After getting a build
error I recompiled and the .pdf was produced. The degree symbols in the
table are present because I cut-and-pasted from the source document.

The error is in the following paragraph, line 2, where we read
"...15maximum..." and no degreeC.



That's because (as previously noted) the "\circ" command needs to appear in a math environment (or you could surround it with $...$ in the ERT box, but then the circle would be waist high rather than a superscript). See the attached repaired MWE.


Attachment: mwe.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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