On 12/16/22 11:41, yang.hao....@st.kyoto-u.ac.jp wrote:
Dear LyX,

I am trying to using the software for writing master thesis. Now a question is how to use shortcut to enter \tag for equations in LyX. I searched Internet. But there seems no shortcut for it. I have to input \tag for every equation I made. Is it a method that I can copy the the \tag like editing in Latex?

And, another question is how to make layout. I refered some document for making layout. http://www.bedko.com/download/LyxGuide.pdf But it does not worked for the cls I used. Cannot make PDF,and many things cannot display on LyX.The .cls load four classes, and Read.me said the .cls only support platex, uplatex. Is there a  more concrete for making layout?

I am looking forward to a reply.

Kindly Regards,
Yang Hao

The layout issue probably needs more information, and may turn into a lengthy discussion.

For the tag issue, you can bind an unused key combination to "math-insert \tag{}", which will automatically insert an empty tag at the current cursor location.

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