On Friday 11 May 2001 16:52, you wrote:
> Ochem works quite well.  It makes chemical structures which IMHO are
> distinctly superior to regular drawing programs.  The syntax takes some
> effort to learn, but I have also created some macros which simplify certain
> types.  It has the drawback of not (yet) working with files which contain
> other image type (eps, etc.).
> If your requirements are really simple then it should work well without a
> lot of effort.  I would suggest this route if you are going to be doing
> this a lot.
> I have created a script for exporting Lyx files to PS under (1.1.16fix1),
> both for viewing and printing.  If you wish I can send it to you.
> There are also a number of drawing programs which can export to ps, which
> you can place as an image.  Look on SAL for these.  While I may not prefer
> their results over Ochem, most people aren't sticklers (sp?) like me about
> the results.  :-)
> http://sal.kachinatech.com/Z/2/index.shtml
> Kenward

Regarding Ochem, is there a manual available in English? Perhaps a website 
explaining how it is used? It looks quite promising, but I can't read German. 
I, too, am a stickler about results and would like get Ochem working.


Kevin Gross

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