The code is working just fine, but I need to add something to give a little
more space at the top and bottom of a table.

Here's the code:
\text{Example}  &  \text{Code} \\
x = \dfrac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}  &  \textrm{ x = \backslash frac\{-b
\backslash pm \backslash sqrt\{ b \hat{} 2 - 4ac\} \}\{2a\} } \\

The square root at the top of the box is crushed up into the \hline and the
2a at the bottom is similar.  I can find all sorts of things to do to
change horizontal spacing, and I even found a method to add extra vertical
space to the rows (\arraystretch), but it doesn't do anything with the very
top and bottom.

A have attached a full file.


Attachment: Sample.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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